If any of you have purchased a product from an Apple store, you will have witnessed a buying experience like no other. You don’t need to go to the till, instead they simply input your order into a hand held device and your product is brought to you. They then flip the device over so you can pay via chip and pin. Once that is completed they ask for your email address so they can email you your receipt.
This is a simple and effective way to shop and now more shops are planning to follow suit. Accessorize, Monsoon and French Connection are all trialling the idea to give customers their receipts via email. You will not get the full ‘Apple experience’ as you will still have to go to the till to make a purchase, as the shops aren’t planning on having the fancy hand held device like Apple.
Tesco’s former chief executive, Lord MacLaurin, is the chair and is also part-funding the eReceipts business, which he hopes other high street retailers will take on-board. He was keen to use the technology whilst still at Tesco, but never got around to it.
He said: “Introducing something like this was always at the back of my mind when I was at Tesco. It seems like a logical extension of the Clubcard.”
But is this just another way for companies to spy on us? By giving our email address away companies will be able to keep information on our buying habits, therefore tailor making offers to encourage us to spend more – similar to Tesco’s Clubcard.
Would you prefer to receive receipts for your high street purchases via email, rather than having a screwed up piece of paper in the bottom of your shopping bag?
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