When launching a business one of the most important financial decisions you’ll make is where to conduct that business from. Traditionally most companies have been restricted by their very nature to more conventional locations but these days, with the amount of business being conducted over the Net, many entrepreneurs can choose whether they wish to run their budget-constrained fledgling venture from home or from serviced officed. So which should you choose for your business?
At first glance the familiar environment of a office converted from a spare bedroom in your home could seem an obvious choice:
1. No rent – Enabling you to keep overheads to a minimum.
2. No commute – So you can work longer hours.
3. Flexibility – Allowing you to enjoy a healthy work/life balance.
4. Solitude – Giving you the peace and quiet to get on with things.
However, it’s important to review the flip side of these positives:
1. Rent – Due to the sheer competitive nature of the sector serviced offices are now more affordable than ever.
2. Commute – Keeping your home and work life separate is often a necessity for without this clarity of space you’ll no doubt find that the two merge and both could suffer as a result.
3. Flexibility – Rather than creating balance, working from home can often lead to either too little being done due to distractions or never clocking off.
4. Solitude – Kids home from school, a dog that needs walking, social calls ringing through, and many other interruptions will soon have you realising that the haven of tranquillity you were hoping for does not exist at home.
Serviced offices are a relatively inexpensive solution. They offer space that’s flexible to your needs, all the business facilities that you’d lack at home (such as meeting rooms, dedicated broadband and phone lines, faxes, reception staff, franking machines, all the furniture you’ll need) and interaction with other businesses in the same and neighbouring buildings (any of whom could become clients or referrers/affiliates). Given the choice, serviced offices are definitely the way to go.
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